Jasmin Pluch

ein schwarzer Hund in den Armen eines Tierarztes

Understanding (animal) health in a new way: Prevention in focus

When it comes to the concept behind our Aniveri Analysis as a preventive check-up, we always talk about recognizing health problems as early as possible in order to take preventive action and prevent chronic stress. But what does “preventive medicine” actually mean and why does prevention still seem to have a low priority in the

Understanding (animal) health in a new way: Prevention in focus Read More »

International Pet Conference 2022: Was tut sich am Haustiermarkt?

Mitte Oktober fand im schönen Bologna die internationale Haustierkonferenz 2022 statt, bei welcher auch Aniveri vertreten war. Unter dem Leitsatz „The new normal in the pet business“ kamen zahlreiche Vertreter:innen der Heimtierbranche zusammen, um mögliche Perspektiven, Trends und Herausforderungen für die Zukunft zu evaluieren und zu diskutieren. Neben interessanten Vorträgen und Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken zog

International Pet Conference 2022: Was tut sich am Haustiermarkt? Read More »

ICP-MS analysis method: Methods of elemental analysis

How the elements we know occur and to what extent they are relevant to medicine has already been described in previous articles. After completing the pre-analytical process, which includes the selection of suitable test material, the next question is how the element analysis should be measured. Harald Hagendorfer, Deputy Managing Director and Head of “Special

ICP-MS analysis method: Methods of elemental analysis Read More »

Sample material in focus: The pre-analysis process

Before theanalysis process can begin, it is necessary to think carefully about which sample material is best suited for the respective analysis purpose. Why did the Aniveri Analysis decide on hair as the most suitable test material? Harald Hagendorfer, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Special Analytics at Ortho-Analytic, explains the differences between various sample

Sample material in focus: The pre-analysis process Read More »

Element analysis: Where do trace elements and heavy metals come from?

As a fundamental part of the Aniveri Analysis, the laboratory-based hair mineral analysis measures exactly how many trace elements and heavy metals are in a hair sample. But where do these elements that make up the entire universe actually come from and to what extent are they relevant in medicine? Harald Hagendorfer, Deputy Managing Director

Element analysis: Where do trace elements and heavy metals come from? Read More »

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